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“With fear, learning stops,” Bob Koherr, a fellow sitcom director, reminded me and a room with other DGA members recently. I’ve blogged about fear before—how it can be your friend. But Bob’s statement prompted me to think about fear again and reexamine how I overcome it. I realized that I have several strategies to draw on, depending on the circumstances. Sometimes it helps me to review them when I don’t know how to get around the fear, and this leads to a solution. Here‘s where I begin to manage it so I can fight back:

  • Ambition: If I want something badly enough I can dodge my fear in pursuit of the greater goal.
  • Dissection: I peel and separate fear, break it down, until it’s more manageable.
  • Capitulation – up to a point: I fall down hard but stand back up, because, well, nothing else is working.
  • Anger: I attack the fear and just say, “Fuck fear!”
    I’d love to hear what scares you…and what you come up with to fight back! Catalysts? Triumphs? All strategies and ideas welcome

Posted on February 20, 2015 in Uncategorized

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